What are the "rules" of couponing one may ask?!
- Only one manufacturer's coupon (MQ) may be used per item
- Only what is stated on a coupon may be bought with the coupon- check for the right size, brand, number of items, variety, etc.
- Most stores only accept coupons up until the expiration date- some stores make an exception and accept expired coupons- I don't have any around here that I know of
- Some stores double coupons as long as the coupon does not say "Do Not Double"- most only double coupons up to $0.99 - Shaws is the only store around me that I know of that doubles
- A store coupon (one that a store specifically puts out and does not say "manufacturers coupon) can be used with a manufacturer's coupon (a coupon put out by the brand itself) on the same one item. This can make a great deal!
- A coupon can be used on a rebate item
- Internet printable (IP) coupons can not be photocopied. This is illegal
- If a store has a sale to buy one item, get on free (BOGO), many stores let you use a coupon on one or even both items
- If a coupon is valued at more than what you purchase an item for, many stores will give you the extra money off your bill (without even realizing it). However, they will not give you the money in cash if they end up "owing you money" in the end. This extra money is called "overage". In this case, it's best to throw in a small "filler item" like a pack of gum or a candy bar to make up that extra money.
Do you know any other coupon "rules"? Please leave us a comment if you can think of any!
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